Pinax Hangout October 2015
In order to see the Hangout time in your time zone, please click here. If you have time we’d love for you to join our Google Hangout on Air. If you can’t make it this time, no worries, we will host a Pinax Hangout each month, usually on the third Thursday of the month at noon Eastern time. Our Hangouts are also recorded and uploaded to our Youtube channel. Additionally, we publish a recap blog post of each Hangout here on the blog. If you can’t attend you can watch our Hangout video later or read the blog post and won’t miss anything. You can find the recap blog posts of our two previous Hangouts here and here.
Patrick Altman and Brian Rosner will be our October hosts and will talk about pinax-project-blog. You always wanted to build your own blog but never knew how it works or where to start? We’ll show you how you can easily build your very own blog and customize it with pinax-project-blog
Here is the agenda for our upcoming Hangout:
- Introduction to
- Setup/installation: Starting a project the new
way - How to use your blog
- Blog features
- Creating a superuser account
- Adding more users
- Adding blog posts in the Django admin
- Customizing your blog
- Modifying templates with the new Pinax management command
- Adding Mixpanel and Google Analytics integration with metron
- Q&A
If you have any questions about Pinax you’d like us to answer during the upcoming Hangout, please join our Pinax Project Slack channel and post them in the #pinax-hangouts
We hope to see many of you at our upcoming Hangout!